About us
“Big Ben” was a XL-dog (with a XXXL heart!) and was the inspiration for “The Big Dog Boutique”. Naturally, a dapper guy like Ben needed an equally dapper attire. So, the search for the perfect doggie bowtie commenced. We looked high and low but couldn’t find what we were looking for. Well, that’s not exactly true… We found lots of patterns and styles we liked, but they just weren’t big enough. (Did I mention Ben had a XL neck too?)
So off to the fabric store we went. We pulled out the sewing machine, and after some measuring, sewing, re-measuring and more prototypes than I care to admit, we finally had what we’d been looking for. The complements came rolling in on just about every walk (I swear Benny stood a little taller wearing his best digs). And that’s how it all began! With a dresser full of bowties, we were well on our way.
Benny’s Bowties is a Canadian company, creating handcrafted houndwear for your XL canines. We know that every massive mutt was once a small pup too, so we also offer smaller sizes for all of your furry friends out there. We even do custom orders. We love collaborating with our clients to create something truly unique for your posh pooch!
Have a question? A comment? A cute doggie picture to share?? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line at BennysBowties@gmail.com. Thanks for checking us out, hope to hear from you soon.